Father is the figure of a man loving and very responsible to his wife and children.
He has been widely credited for building a beautiful family, it was he
who had his family with great difficulty. Quite often we find a father
doing a very tiring, for example a father who worked as a driver or
Metromini public transportation, he was willing to leave their families,
affected by traffic jams every day, and go home that night to support
his family.
We see again a father who is a trader, he’d be willing to wait for hours
until the buyers come to buy merchandise only to support his children
and wife.
have a story about a child who rebel against his father. The following
story happened to a young man whose life has been in vain, The good
deeds disconnected. He has a father who diligently worship and charity.
His father often gave advice: “O my son! Beware not to slip at a young
age. For indeed it is the road to punishment and that Allah has
tortures and punishment of all it is not far away from people who do
evil” That’s his father’s advice to their children.
When his father continued to provide advice to him, he actually grew rebellious and neglected their obligations.
One day his father gave advice again and warned him of bad deeds. But
what happened? The boy held out his hand just mark threatened with fists
to his father. He immediately hit him with punches that leave a scar.
The father saw the man who beat him if he was his son or not, as not
believe, after the staggered but still conscious, eventually the father
can see clearly that children who had been given advice even hit him.
With a blazing anger at the father’s chest, he said, “Son, you come from
my coccyx. I have to educate you, serve you, teach you and will ensure
you become a good boy. I have done good to you and has given all I get
to you. I have been putting you on me in many ways, but you repay me
with evil deeds like this. Really, I will report it all to God Almighty.
” Thus greeting his father with great disappointment to their
He stated the oath solemnly that he would go into the land of Al-Haram
to perform Umrah and to pray to Allah from the House side, hopefully he
is pleased to give sentence against this rebellious child who had
expelled him from home and country and has provided disaster harm to
The father finally came out to travel, while his son still continues to blow the heat of the burning in joints.
After reaching the Al-Bait Al-Haram (Kaaba). He performed tawaf in the
glorious Kaaba. He stood between the door of the Kaaba and the Black
Stone. “O God of truth I have come unto Thee, O Essence is not a waste
of people who pray to You earnestly, O Al-Wahid Ash Shomad. This is
where people are not coming back because my son, the rebellious. So
right Take me, O Merciful Essence of my children, is partially paralyzed
his body with the power and strength from you. O Essence that we
purify the childless and not begotten, “.
finally, the rebellious half the child’s body was on the right which he
used to beat his father finally paralyzed like wood. He can not move
unless there are other people who mengerakkannya. And finally always
lying on her bed. He has lost enjoyment of life, he has parted ways with
friends and people he loved. He eventually became the burden for
others. With his father’s prayers had been answered, the strength that
had been used to harm humans have been lost. God does not abuse him, but
that’s child who had wronged himself. … Astaghfirulllah ….
Father was very involved in our lives, for example:
1. As providers and providers of facilities
When you need money to finance half of the money and life, the first
person is my father frowned. Dad must have tried hard to find a way so
that their children can feel the same with other friends.
When the request is no longer simply asking a new doll or toy, and I
know he can not give you what you want. The words that came out of Dad’s
mouth was: “No … No way! “
In fact in mind my father, he was eager to say “Yes dear, I’ll buy you a father.”
Did you know that at that moment my father feels failed to make her son smile?
We should be grateful for everything we use and we have now is thanks to our father business.
2. As the giver of protection
When you’ve got teenagers ….
You start demanding on my father for permission to go out at night, and
my father was firm and said: “Not allowed!”. Did you know that my
father did that to take care of you?
As for Dad, you are something very – very unusual precious. After that
you’re mad at Dad, and entered the room, slamming the door. And who
comes knocking doors and persuade you to not upset the mother.
Did you know that when my father closed his eyes and holding within his
inner turmoil, That the father was eager to follow your wishes, but
once again he MUST take care of you? … Dad did not try to be the best,
but he’s just trying to
do our best ….
3. Decision maker and a good problem solver
Dad helps solve the problem of children and decision makers in the
learning / school, regarding any steps taken by children in learning,
check, and ask values obtained at school. When there are family problems
she’s very wise to get it done, he very very rarely angry.
4. As an educator
Father always advised his son to study with diligence and achievement,
what should and should not be done, reprimanded when their children fail
the task and impose sanctions if deemed necessary. He was very patient
in guiding children to become better again, although sometimes his
attitude really hard but he wanted his son could. Dad just told you to
do the job that you like. Father might not know the answer to
everything, but he helps you search for it. Dad will not pamper you when
you’re sick, but he will not sleep all night. Who knows you need it.
5. As a friend and playmate
Through the game with the kids, dad can joke / humor is healthy, can
establish a good relationship so that problems, difficulties and stress
can be issued, in the end does not interfere with learning and child
6. As figure
Father is responsible to teach about what it takes children to the next
life in a variety of life through exercise and a good example so that a
positive influence for children.
7. As a co-mother
Dad was always willing to accompany my mother shopping the market, often
times he is also helping with homework and my mother when mother was
sick, my father is also willing to replace the mother such as cooking,
washing, and other homework.
Daddy Duties:
1. The warmth of love
for a grown daughter, who was working overseas, who joined her husband
wander outside the city or abroad, who were at school or college away
from both parents. Will often feel very missed by his mother. And what
about Dad?
Maybe because she is more often called to see you doing every day, but
do you know, if it turns out Dad was the one who reminds mother to call
Maybe once when you’re little, my mother was the one who more often take
you told me, but you know that after my father worked and tired,
looking at my mother’s father was always asking about are you and what
did you do all day?
2. Avoiding the use of foul language
When our little girl’s father always forbid we follow the language of
the less well even he can be angry if there are people who speak dirty
in front of her son. He wanted to when we grow up, we are accustomed to
speaking the language of good and proper.
3. Supervise children’s behavior,
By the time you are still a small child, my father usually teaches his
son to ride a bike. And after my father could pick up, then I will
release the auxiliary wheels on your bike. Then Mother said:
“Not yet Dad, do not be removed once the wheels help him.”
Mother feared son / daughter fell and injured sweetness.
But realize you?
That the Father with confidence will let you, look at you, and take care
pedaled carefully because he knew his beloved son SURE CAN.
4. Discipline
Father wanted his children could be disciplined, because he is a very
disciplined especially discipline of time. When you ask Dad to take you,
dad is always ready for 10 or 15 minutes before you clean when you ask
him to pick you up, he’s going to place it before you get out of the
5. Keep them away from all sexual activity
6. Alienate the children from the illicit food
Father is a figure that should always look strong … even when he was not strong to not cry …
He should see the firm even when he wants to pamper you. .
And he was the first person who always believes that “YOU CAN” in all things ..
Let us love and respect our father, because he is also very great service to us.
Do not ever make him upset, give always the best for him and always make him smile for us.
baca artikel diatas jadi ingat waktu gue presentasi Toefl didepan
kelas XII IPA2 sekitar bulan maret minggu-minggu setelah UAS…
Yang bikin terkesan dan selalu nempel diingatan gue soalnya gue nangis
saat presentasi, padahal sebelumnya gak ada niatan dan pikiran gue buat
Walau pas presentasi gue agak gagap ngomongnya (mungkin karena
artikelnya gue hafalin *tp gue paham qo artinya*, ditambah gue nangis
makanya agak ngeblank dan ini pertama kalinya gue presentasi toefl) tapi
beberapa teman gue ada yang nangis lho, hihi..
gak tau karena paham apa yang gue sampein atau emang karena ngeliat gue nangis makanya mereka ikut nangis yaa, hehe..
karena nangis dan ngeblank jadinya gak semua artikel diatas gue sampein,
waktunya juga cuma 7 menit doank. Jauh sebelum presentasi waktu 7
menit itu dibayangan gue berasa 7 jam, apalagi kalau sampe lupa apa
yang mau disampein mungkin terasa lebih lama lagi tapi pas presentasi 7
menit itu cepat banget dan itu belum cukup untuk gue menyampaikan
materi yang udah gue hafalin dengan susah payah, hehe..
Dan jujur gue sendiri nangis bukan karena artikelnya yang bikin sedih tapi karena suatu hal.
Tepat hari selasa (gue lupa tanggalnya, yang jelas bulan maret 2011)
orangtua gue dipanggil kesekolah karena nilai gue yang jelek, dan
pastinya kalau urusan disekolah ayah gue yang ngurus. Ini baru pertama
kalinya didalam hidup gue dari TK, SD, SMP dan SMA, ayah gue kesekolah
karena dipanggil nilai gue jelek. Saat gue nerima surat panggilan itu
(hari senin), gue sama teman-teman yang nasibnya sama kya gue biasa aja
waktu disekolah, padahal gosipnya itu tentang nilai UAS dan kalau nilai
UAS nya jelek otomatis gak bisa ikut UN. Deg-degan, takut, dan kecewa
sih pasti tapi waktu itu gak bisa nangis. Pas sampe rumah, gue masuk
kamar dan pikiran gue terus-terusan tertuju sama surat itu, banyak
pertanyaan yang terus-terusan mengahantui gue sejak gue nerima surat
gimana kalau itu beneran nilai UAS gue? gimana kalau gue gak lulus? apa
jadinya kalau orangtua gue tau tentang hal ini? mereka marah gak ya?
gue nangis sejadi-jadinya, gue gak kuat nerima kenyataan kalau itu
beneran nilai UAS dan gue gak lulus. Gue gak sanggup ngeliat wajah-wajah
kecewa kedua orangtua gue, dan bahkan keluarga serta guru-guru gue…
gue benci banget sama diri gue sendiri waktu itu, gue anak yang gak tau
diri, bego, tolol, bodoh, gue anak yang gak tau terimakasih, gue anak
yang gak berguna. Gue udah ngecewain orangtua gue sendiri, orang yang
selama ini paling berjasa banget dalam hidup gue, orang yang udah kerja
keras buat gue sekolah, orang yang paling mencintai gue, sayang sama
gue tanpa ngeluh apapun meski kadang gue nyebelin.
Gak mungkin gue sanggup ngeliat kekecewaan mereka, dan
aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh gue pengen teriak sekeras
mungkin, dan gue berucap dalam hati kalau gue akan bunuh diri kalau
sampe gak lulus.
Akhirnya gue putusin untuk gak ngasih surat itu dulu ke orangtua gue
biar gue agak tenangan dulu, gue gak mau nangis saat ngasih surat buruk
Pas malam harinya gue beraniin diri buat ngasih surat itu ke ayah gue,
dan gue gak bilang kalau itu tentang nilai UAS. Gue cuma bilang besok
disuruh kesekolah jam 08.00. Ayah gue tanya “soal UN ya pasti” dan gue
cuma bilang “iya kaya’a”.
Keesokan harinya gue sekolah dengan perasaan sama kaya kemarin, gue takut pulang, gue takut dimarahin.
Pas baru sampe dikelas, gue cerita-cerita sama teman gue yang bernasib
sama, gimana reaksi orangtua saat terima surat itu. Dan air mata gue
netes, gue masih takut kalau gue benar-benar gak lulus.
Sampe akhirnya tiba pelajaran toefl, pelajaran jam ke 3 dan 4 pada hari
selasa. Sebenarnya saat itu emang giliran gue sama 4 orang teman gue
untuk presentasi toefl, karena dikelompok A memang tinggal kita berlima
yang belum tampil tapi bisa aja waktu itu gue gak jadi tampil karena CD
kelas XII IPA2 yang isinya materi buat presentasi itu hilang. Kata
guru toefl gue yang bernama Pak Dadan yang bawa cadangannya boleh
presentasi hari ini dan gue bawa cadangan itu diflashdisk. Tadinya sih
sempat gak mau tampil tapi sekarang ataupun nanti-nanti kan sama aja.
Dan akhirnya gue yang terakhir dipanggil untuk presentasi dari 3 teman
gue yang juga bawa cadangannya. Pas saat gue cerita tentang anak yang
durhaka pada ayahnya airmata gue tiba-tiba netes dan mengalir gitu aja,
wajah ayah gue muncul dan pikiran gue tertuju sama masalah
dipanggilnya orangtua gue. Gue coba tahan dan berhenti bicara beberapa
detik tapi tetap aja keluar terus airmatanya. Hingga akirnya 7 menit
itu berakhir dengan applause dari teman-teman dan Pak Dadan, saat gue
duduk air mata gue semakin deras.
menit kemudian Pak Dadan manggil gue, beliau bilang sesuatu yang bikin
gue bangga dan gak akan pernah gue lupain. Yang intinya seperti ini:
Pak Dadan: tadi cerita kamu bagus, bagus, menyentuh banget, saya juga
terharu, saya merasakan, cuma seharusnya kamu bisa lebih dari ini supaya
semuanya bisa ikut terbawa sama cerita kamu
gue: tapi tadi juga ada tuh Pak beberapa yang ikut nangis, hehe
Pak Dadan: iya i know tapi lain kali kamu pasti bisa lebih bagus
presentasi didepan masyarakat suatu saat nanti dengan cerita ini, yaa?
gue: iya Pak makasih yaa
gak nyangka Pak Dadan bakalan bilang kaya gitu, mungkin dia kira gue
nangis karena cerita anak durhaka itu dan karena kebayang wajah ayah
gue, emang benar karena kebayang wajah ayah gue, gue juga bilang ke Pak
Dadan kalau wajah ayah gue tiba-tiba muncul di pikiran gue tapi kalau
soal cerita anak durhaka itu gak benar soalnya waktu pertama kali baca
artikel itu aja gue gak sampe nangis cuma sedih dan berkaca-kaca doank
mata gue. Seandainya hari itu bukan hari dipanggilnya orangtua gue
karena nilai gue yang jelek, gue juga gak akan bisa nangis. Gue nangis
karena gue gak sanggup ngeliat wajah orangtua gue pulang sekolah nanti,
gue udah ngecewain mereka.
istirahat gue udah mulai tenang, walau masih berbekas wajah nangis gue
tapi gue tetep kekantin sama teman gue. Tapi pas sampe kantin nafsu
makan itu hilang. Akhirnya gue ke kopersi aja buat beli air mineral,
lontong dan chiki. Sewaktu balik dari kantin menuju kopersi gue ngeliat
ayah gue yang lagi dimotor mau pulang karena acaranya udah selesai,
lagi-lagi airmata gue jatuh. Gue gak kuat ngeliat wajah ayah gue,
gimana nanti pulang sekolah?? untung beliau gak ngeliat gue karena
memang jaraknya jauh.
acara itu selesai gue tanya sama teman-teman gue yang nanya sama
orangtuanya tentang acara tadi, ya Allah
Alahamdulillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh buanget ternyata itu bukan tentang
nilai UAS yang jelek tapi tentang nilai try out UN yang terakhir kalinya
yang kurang baik dan itu gak mempengaruhi nilai kelulusan.
Huuuuufffffffttthh perasaan gue legaaaaaaaaaaaa buagett, walau masih
takut buat dimarahin pulang sekolah tapi gue gak takut buat pulang
Pas sampe rumah gue lewat pintu belakang, tepat setelah gue buka pintu
terlihat ayah gue lagi didapur bersihin motornya, pas beliau ngeliat
gue, beliau senyuuumm dan bilang “nilainya tuh pit kurang” dan gue tanya
“tapi bukan nilai UAS kan?”, ayah gue “bukan, cuma nilai try out
doank” dan abis itu ayah gue cerita tentang acara tadi…
ternyata apa yang gue takutin sama sekali gak terjadi, dari nilai UAS
yang jelek, gak lulus, dimarahin orangtua abis-abisan dan jadi anak
yang paling gak berguna. Alhamdulillahhirabbil’alamin ya ALLAH, makasih
bangeeeeeeettttt, cuma itu kata-kata yang bisa gue ucapin saking
senangnya. Dan ternyata ada manfaatnya juga dari kejadian ini, gue jadi
bisa nangis saat presentasi toefl, coba seandainya gue gak nangis
pasti kurang bagus presentasi gue, se’gaknya dengan gue menangis bisa
menutupi kegagapan gue saat presentasi, hahaha…
Sekarang gue udah lulus dengan nilai yang cukup baik, dengan rata-rata nilainya 8,0..
Alhamdulillah ya Allah, love YOU buangeeeeeeeeeetttt, ngeeet, ngeeetttt….
Thank you very much my beloved mother, my beloved father, my beloved family, my beloved teachers and all my friends..
cuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppssss ^_^
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